Happy Mother’s Day - inspired by an antique childs tea set
My grandmas antique childs tea set inspired a special post for Mother's Day!
Happy Mother’s Day, Happy Stepmother’s Day, Happy Nana’s Day and Happy Friend of a Child’s Day. We here at Welcome to Nanas celebrate you for “pouring” into children’s lives (sorry, a tea party pun).
Want to see Grandma's tea set unwrapped? Video...
My mother always said, “Every day is Mother’s Day”. While that is true, Mother’s Day is a special day to say we love you and appreciate you, Mom and Nana! Let’s take advantage of that.

Vintage children’s tea sets
I was sorting some things in my basement (um, a lot of things) and came upon this precious old box. It contains an antique child's tea set that belonged to my grandmother. Grandma received the tea set when she was 10. She gave it to my aunt, who gave it to mom, and I am glad to have it now.
Tea set box
I'm guessing that grandma hand sewed the box together to keep it from falling apart. And even though the box went through a house fire and is browned from smoke and age, you can still see the picture of little girls having a tea party on the lid of the box.

Antique Childs Tea Set
“I have an idea. Let’s have a tea party!”
Can’t you imagine little girls inviting their neighbor friends or setting up their dolls for a tea party 100 year ago? The children's imaginations were stretched as they had many hours of play time to fill. Those were years before the easy entertainment of phones and computers.
There wasn’t a lot of money in my grandma’s house. She lost her husband when her 7 children were young. But she filled their lives with faith, music, love and tea parties (well, coffee parties actually, they were Swedes).
It’s silly perhaps, but I feel my mom’s presence when I hold this tea set.

Tea party for Mother’s Day
This Mother’s Day, find some little treats, pull out some cups and saucers and have a tea party with your mom, Nana, kids or friends. Put the phones in the next room and silence the ringers.
Make some memories. Talk and laugh over a cup of tea, apple juice or coffee. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just be together and visit.

Tell your favorite story from when you were little. You can try using a conversation starter and let each person answer (a few ideas are found below).
- If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
- What is your favorite game to play and why?
- If you were given three wishes, what would they be and why?
- When you grow up, what do you want to be?
- What is the neatest thing you have ever built yourself or with someone else?
- What would you enjoy learning how to do?

Looking for some tea party ideas?
- Tea Party Scones and Lemon Curd
- Fantastic Fruit Pizza for Mom
- Simple Graham Crackers and Frosting
- White Chocolate Party Pretzels
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day and blessings on you and yours.
If you try this idea, let me know! Go ahead and leave a comment, rate it, and tag a photo with #WelcometoNanas wherever you post.
Come join the fun at https://welcometonanas.com
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