I’ve been so excited for this Miniature Fairy Garden Planter post!!
What is it about little miniature things that’s so intriguing? I still stop in front of a display with miniatures and study all the items in their miniature forms. I love miniature train sets, doll houses, and tea sets. When I saw some fairy houses a friend made it inspired the idea for this post.

Purchase or make your miniatures
For your Miniature Fairy Garden Planter you can go as simple or as complex as you want with your grands. There are many miniatures that can be purchased to make this project easy and fast. Or you can find ways to make some of the little items you want in your display with a few craft supplies and found items from your junk drawer. This will take more time and ingenuity. Do what fits you and your grands the best.

If purchasing items, now (early spring) is the time to pop into a dollar store or hobby store to find a few cute miniature pieces to place into your Miniature Fairy Garden Planter. That is what I chose to do this time.
We are from a Swedish background so I was looking for a little gnome for our planter. They are called “Tomtes” in Sweden! I found a couple in a dollar store so I was pretty excited.

Terra Cotta Pot/Saucer Stand
I thought it would be fun to make a stand for the display. So we glued a small terra cotta pot to the bottom of the terra cotta saucer. It turned out really cute, it kind of looks like a cake stand. I may make another to use this summer on the table to serve food.

Tip: You can choose any plant container you would like. If you have real plants, consider using a larger terra cotta pot so the plants can continue to grow. The saucer would probably be too shallow to keep the plants alive for long.
Place enough potting soil in the terra cotta saucer to make a slight mound. Since we're not using real plants, the amount isn't critical. If you are using real plants, fill a terra cotta pot fairly full of soil for the plants to root as they grow.

Arranging the Miniatures in the Fairy Garden
I couldn’t find a good variety of real plants yet, so I chose a selection of artificial succulents. Arrange the taller ones in the back for a backdrop. Work with the arrangement until you have a nice setting for your figurines.
Place the figurines in the Miniature Fairy Garden Planter. The grands will have fun with this part!

Decorate your Fairy Garden Planter
Finish by decorating with some pretty rocks, shells or glass pebbles. Colorful fish rock could be cute too. We used the glass pebbles to make a pathway.
Have fun arranging and rearranging until you and the grands are satisfied. They may want to “play” and tell a story as they arrange.

You could add all kind of little miniatures in your Miniature Fairy Garden Planter. How about food a picnic on the table or a visit from some forest friends? The sky is the limit.
I kind of wish I had purchased a larger terra cotta saucer and pot for a larger display!! Maybe next time!

- Terra cotta pot or saucer- size(s) of your choice (or pot of your choice)
- Potting soil
- Small plants (real or artificial)
- Miniatures of your choice
- Miniature fairy/gnome figurine
- Rocks/pebbles/glass pebbles
- Hot glue gun and glue
I’ll give a few starter ideas for making a few items for your Miniature Fairy Garden Planter if you and your grands want a bigger project together. (This would work better for older grands with more dexterity.)
You may want to try making a fence, swing set, door, bench, chair, table sign, or flag. The ideas are limitless. The Skinny Sticks or twigs would work great for many of these items. Glue or wire them together.
Here is a supply list if you decide to branch out making your own miniature items.

Other supply possibilities:
- Sea shells
- Wooden coffee stir sticks or a package of Skinny Sticks
- Twigs
- Light weight wire
- Wire clippers
- Hot glue
- Wood glue
- Junk drawer items
- Etc.!!! Be creative
Please send a picture of your Miniature Fairy Garden Planters. I’d love to see what you choose to do!!
Welcome to Nana’s! Where there’s fun things to do with your “grand” kids!
Come join the fun at www.WelcomeToNanas.com

Montie says
Awesome work! Love it!