Backyard Sports Ideas

Are the grands looking for something to do during this time of shut down? Here are a couple Backyard Sports Ideas for you to do with the grands (or tell them about on Skype/Messenger/or the phone).
Hole In One Kid's Backyard Frisbee Golf!
Looking for a really easy activity to do with the grands? Frisbee golf is a great outside activity to run off some energy. All it takes is a few containers and a couple Frisbees.

If you can’t go to a Frisbee golf course, why not set up something in the backyard?
You could have the kids help you make numbers to put on the front of some baskets, totes and trash cans and have a 9 hole golf course set up in no time!

For the complete instructions go to Hole in One Kid's Backyard Frisbee Golf
Kid's Obstacle Course Adventure
Need a fast and fun backyard sports idea to occupy the kids for a morning? Make an Obstacle Course of course!

Head outside and announce, “Help me set up an obstacle course!” and let the fun begin.
You will find lots of suggestions for setting this up at Kid's Obstacle Course Adventure

Either of these activities would work so well for a birthday party. Then the budding Olympiads could study the courses and set their minds on how to best navigate it.

Now, what else can we do?
Here’s a way to be a step ahead of that question. Brainstorm a “To Do List” and post it up on the refrigerator to use as a prompt when someone says, “I’m bored”! Let your imagination soar and dream, everyone can contribute to the list. (This is the time to slip in some of those projects you could do as a family, too. Sneaky, I know.)

This great free printable “To Do List” can be found at Making A Summer To-Do List on Welcome To Nanas!

Know that Nana is praying over you all during this challenging time.
Focus on the opportunities...
Remember to focus on what an opportunity this can be to build relationships with the children (and adults) that you love! Email me if you need a word of encouragement.
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