Quarantined!! So, Online Crafting With the Grands!

So, I’m quarantined in my home as are thousands upon thousands of my favorite friends!
These are the strangest times that I’ve experienced in my lifetime. I’m sure you will agree.
We are apart from our family and social distancing. It is what we have been asked to do and Papa and I are taking it seriously.
What we miss...
I’m a teacher and our state has asked us all to teach online from our homes. It is working fine but I miss the students.
One thing that we all are missing is the unrestricted, side-by-side time spent with loved ones and friends.
We don’t live far from one set of grands and it is difficult to know that they are physically not that far away. I wanted them to know that we were thinking of them.

But, what can we do?
So, Papa took a bag of craft supplies and dropped them off on the grand’s porch. Off he went without going in this time. Sigh.
Later we got online and Messaged one another on Facebook. It was fun to see them online (it isn’t as good as in person, but for now it will do).
Online crafting with the grands!
I coached them through making a simple craft with the supplies that were placed in the sack.
This time it was a sack of buttons, an 8x10 canvas for each child and some glue.
They drew a picture on the canvas and created the picture by gluing on the buttons.

It was simple, but we all had fun!
I’ll feature the actual craft later as a blog post on Welcome To Nanas, but for now, enjoy the online pictures.
Give it a try! Online craft with your grands!
This is an idea that you could also do. Pack a sack or a package with the craft supplies needed to do a specific craft. www.WelcomeToNanas.com has a lot of ideas from which to choose!
Drop off the sack or mail the package.
Another option is to order the supplies and have them delivered directly to the grands address.
When it gets to the grands, get online and coach them through how to make the craft. It will take some adult help on their end, but is do-able! I used Zoom, but Facebook Messenger or Skype would work well too.

Where there’s a will there is a way.
It’s a fun way to connect during this challenging time and will let the grands know you are thinking of them
I’m praying that you and yours are staying well and safe.
If you need an encouraging word, email me.
Welcome to Nana’s! Where there’s fun things to do with your “grand” kids!
Come join the fun at www.WelcomeToNanas.com
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