How to Make a Paper Whirligig!!
How to Make a Paper Whirligig is the perfect fast and easy craft idea to pull out of the hat in a moment’s notice. It is sure to entertain and intrigue any age child (or adult). An added plus is that you probably have all of the needed supplies on hand. What a great deal!

Easy Peasy Paper Craft Project
OK, learning how to make a paper whirligig is pretty straight forward.
Grab a Cup for a Pattern
Use a cup to draw two of the same sized circles on a piece of paper. I used white paper so the grands could color a fun design and have it show up easily.

Decorate and Cut Out 2 Circles
Decorate the two circles with colorful designs of shapes, lines and patterns. The more colorful the designs the better as these circles will be spinning and creating a fun swirling pattern.
When your little artists are finished, have them cut the two circles out carefully.

One Cardboard Circle
Draw another circle of the same size on a piece of cardboard and cut it out.
Note- The grands asked me to help with this as it was hard for them to cut the heavier cardboard that I had available.

Glue and glue
Glue the two decorated circles to the cardboard circle, one on either side. Match the edges as well as possible.
Poke holes in the whirligig
Use an ice pick or a nail to poke two circles through the cardboard. These two holes should be about an inch apart. I thought it was a bit weird to poke two holes into our circles as they were decorated as faces and the holes looked like nostrils!! Ha!

Add a string and tie
Cut a string about 40 inches long and string it through one hole and then back up through the other hole.
Note: We wrapped a piece of scotch tape around the end of the string so it went through the holes more easily. When the tape is on the string it kind of looks like the end of a shoe lace. Works like a charm and eased some frustration when the string frayed on the end and just wouldn’t go through that silly hole! 😉

Put the two ends of the string together and tie them with a knot. Position the cardboard circle in the middle of the string.
That’s it.
You now know how to make a paper whirligig!

Ready for some fun?
Put the looped ends of the string over a finger on each hand. Move your hands apart so that the cardboard circle is suspended in between your two hands.

Twist the string
Spin the circle piece around and around in one direction so that the string begins to twist and twist.
Pull your hands apart
After the string is pretty twisted, gently pull your hands apart and the string will untwist, spinning the whirligig and re-twisting the string in the other direction.

As the string re-twists, allow your hands to move back together a bit so that the string can twist up more.
Then gently pull your hands apart again and the whirligig will spin in the opposite direction and re-twist the string.

A Spinning Paper Whirligig
It takes some practice, but you will get the feel of gently moving your hands in and out, spinning the whirligig and allowing the string to re-twist. The paper whirligig will spin back and forth over and over again until your arms get tired!
It is kind of mesmerizing to watch the decorated, spinning whirligig make a pretty pattern as your hands move in and out and the string twists, un-twists and re-twists again.

How to Make a Paper Whirligig
Or a Button Whirligig...
I remember making a paper whirligig when I was young. I also remember making a whirligig out of a large button. If you would like to try the button idea, just thread your string through two holes in a large button. Tie the end of the string and spin it just like you did for your paper whirligig.
I like to imagine little children in pioneer homes doing this very activity.
I also like to imagine your children in your home spinning their paper whirligigs! Attach a picture of your whirligig!

Supplies needed for How to Make a Paper Whirligig
- 1 piece of white paper or cardstock
- 1 piece of cardboard (I used a flap off of a shipping box)
- A Cup
- Markers
- Scissors
- Glue sticks or glue
- Ice pick or nail
- String
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